Apps helping you manage your caffeine intakeMillions of people who struggle to get the recommend 8 hours sleep may have an answer or at least an aid to help them manage full days at work. The US army thought it was beneficial to work out and create an algorithm to recommend a suitable level of caffeine to get you through your working day, say the optimum level to function based on your levels of sleep + your daily routine.
Though it wasn't initially intended for you and I and was put into development to enable the troops to operate at maximum efficiency, it will now be made available in the next few months in the form of an App to guide you as needed. The App will draw on data that had been collected over decades of sleep data. Numerous studies show that reaction times in the sleep deprived can be up to 40 per cent slower than what would be considered normal, a comparison can be made against someone who would be over the drink driving limit, so being sleep deprived can be dangerous. A third of Britons sleep on average between 5-6 hours a night, for a sleep of 5 hours and a wake up time of 6am the App would recommend a cup of coffee at 7am and 9am to set you up for the rest of the day. If you slept for 6.8 hours for 5 consecutive nights then you'd require 200mg of caffeine or two filter coffees. |
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