The UK Out of Home Market (OOH)
We love our coffee.
The UK OOH coffee market is booming and is set to get even bigger. Currently we drink our way through an estimated 1.7 billion cups of coffee each year from over 18,000 coffee outlets. By 2020 we’re expected to have over 21,000 coffee outlets, but we have a long way to go to catch up with our continental European cousins.
On average in the UK, at 2.8 kilos of coffee drunk per person, we drink half of what our continental European cousins drink their way through each year and when compared to the largest coffee drinkers in the world – the Finns at 12.2 kilos – it shows we still have a long way to go before we see any slowing down in consumption.
Statistics tell us that just 5 years ago one in nine people visited a coffee shop every day. Today that figure is now one in five.
The UK OOH coffee market is booming and is set to get even bigger. Currently we drink our way through an estimated 1.7 billion cups of coffee each year from over 18,000 coffee outlets. By 2020 we’re expected to have over 21,000 coffee outlets, but we have a long way to go to catch up with our continental European cousins.
On average in the UK, at 2.8 kilos of coffee drunk per person, we drink half of what our continental European cousins drink their way through each year and when compared to the largest coffee drinkers in the world – the Finns at 12.2 kilos – it shows we still have a long way to go before we see any slowing down in consumption.
Statistics tell us that just 5 years ago one in nine people visited a coffee shop every day. Today that figure is now one in five.
When designing a food service product the following list is mandatory, any product shipped by Masteroast will comply with this list, Masteroast will work with you to get the product to meet these requirements before dispatch.
To sell a coffee product the label/laminate must be:
The product should also state the following information.
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