This page is for designer use only and will contain all the latest resources necessary to meet all the certification requirements for European Organic Certificated coffee purchased from Masteroast. If you do have any questions regarding the EU Organic logo a contact form is at the bottom of this page, the question will go direct to our in-house design team who will be happy to answer your question.
EU Organic Certification basic rulesRule 1) 10% of the height of the logo should not have any other element all the way around the logo.
Rule 2) Whenever possible use the green Master Version of the logo (labeled above). Rule 3) The logo has to stand out well on the background its applied too if not use the version with a white border. Rule 4) If using a one colour print process or a thermal print, use the thermal version that stands out the most on the background. Rule 5) The logo has no maximum size but must be no smaller than 13.5mm wide and 9mm tall. Rule 6) Myriad Pro is the prefered text for any text used in conjunction with the logo. Rule 7) The text can be applied anywhere around the logo but must be in the same field of view.
EU organic certification minimum/maximum sizes (examples)
(measure the width of the entire logo) Minimum seal size 13.5mm Maximum seal size: N/A A seclusion space must be a minimum of 10% all the way around the logo.
The Soil Association logo must be present click here for instructions. |
(measure the width of the entire logo) Minimum seal size 13.5mm Maximum seal size: N/A A seclusion space must be a minimum of 10% all the way around the logo.
The Soil Association logo must be present click here for instructions. |
(Measure the width of the entire logo) Minimum logo size 13.5mm Maximum logo size N/A A seclusion space must be a minimum of 10% all the way around the logo.
The Soil Association logo must be present click here for instructions. |
(Measure the width of the entire logo) Minimum logo size 13.5mm Maximum logo size N/A A seclusion space must be a minimum of 10% all the way around the logo.
The Soil Association logo must be present click here for instructions. |
Vector Soil Association Seals
The EU logo must be accompanied by the Soil Association logo, instructions can be found here!
Contact the Soil AssociationSoil Association
South Plaza, Marlborough Street, Bristol BS1 3NX T: 0117 314 5000 F: 0117 314 5001 Soil Association Scotland has moved:Soil Association Scotland 3rd Floor Osborne House Osborne Terrace Edinburgh EH12 5HG T: 0131 666 2474 F: 0131 666 1684 |
Our ServicesCoffee SourcingDesign ServiceQuality Assurance |
Copyright © 2024, Masteroast Coffee Company Ltd, 01733 842000